Gil Moss
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
University of Maine
email: gilbert.moss at maine dot edu
I was previously a postdoc at the University of Utah (2017-2022), Sorbonne University (2016-2017), and Oklahoma State University (2015-2016). I finished my PhD at the University of Texas in 2015, where my advisor was David Helm.
Research interests
- Representation theory of p-adic groups, Langlands program, automorphic forms, Galois representations
NSF DMS-2302591 award abstract
Publications and preprints
- Local Langlands in families: the banal case (with Jean-François Dat, David Helm, and Rob Kurinczuk)
- submitted, arXiv:2406.09283
- Towards a theta correspondence in families for type II dual pairs (with Justin Trias)
- submitted, arXiv:2312.12031
- Mod-l gamma factors and a converse theorem for finite general linear groups (with Jacksyn Bakeberg, Mathilde Gerbelli-Gauthier, Heidi Goodson, Ashwin Iyengar, and Robin Zhang)
- submitted, arXiv:2307.07593
- Finiteness for Hecke algebras of p-adic groups (with Jean-François Dat, David Helm, and Rob Kurinczuk)
- J. Amer. Math. Soc. 37 (2024), 929-949, arXiv:2203.04929
- Moduli of Langlands parameters (with Jean-François Dat, David Helm, and Rob Kurinczuk)
- J. Eur. Math. Soc (to appear), arXiv:2009.06708
- The Kirillov model in families (with Nadir Matringe)
- Monatshefte für mathematik, 198, pages 393–410 (2022), arXiv:2005.13484
- The universal unramified module for GL(n) and the Ihara conjecture
- Algebra and number theory, vol. 15, no. 5, 1181–1212 (2021), arXiv:1909.02709
- A characterization of the mod-l local Langlands correspondence with nilpotent gamma factors
- Nagoya Math. J. vol. 244, 119-135 (2021), arXiv:1905.13487
- On the local converse theorem and the descent theorem in families (with Baiying Liu)
- Math. Z. vol. 295, pp 463–483 (2020), arXiv:1711.11159
- Converse theorems and the local Langlands correspondence in families (with David Helm)
- Invent. Math. vol. 214, issue 2, pp 999–1022 (2018), arXiv:1610.03277
- Deligne–Langlands gamma factors in families (with David Helm)
- arXiv:1510.08743
- Interpolating local constants in families
- Math. Res. Lett. vol. 23 (2016), arxiv:1403.3914
- Gamma factors of pairs and a local converse theorem in families
- Int. Math. Res. Not. vol. 2016, issue 16 (2016), arxiv:1412.3500
Here is a video of my talk in the automorphic seminar at Johns Hopkins/Michigan
- Functorial zeta integrals
- expository note on Rankin-Selberg zeta integrals via the Bernstein-Zelevinksy functors, arxiv:1403.3914