Publications & Presentations


Hood, R.R., G.W. Shenk, R.L. Dixon, S.M.C. Smith, W.P. Ball, J.O. Bash, R. Batiuk, K. Boomer, D.C. Brady, C. Cerco, P. Claggett, K. de Mutsert, Z.M. Easton, A.J. Elmore, M.A.M. Friedrichs, L.A. Harris, T.F. Ihde, L.Lacher, L. Li, L.C. Linker, A. Miller, J. Moriarty, G.B. Noe, G. Onyullo, K. Rose, K. Skalak, R. Tian, T.L. Veith, L. Wainger, D. Weller, Y.J. Zhang. 2021. The Chesapeake Bay program modeling system: Overview and recommendations for future development. Ecological Modelling, Vol. 456, 109635, ISSN 0304-3800,

Ross, L., S. Alahmed, S.M.C. Smith, and G. Roberts. 2021. Tidal and subtidal transport in short, tidally driven estuaries with low rates of freshwater input. Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 224, 104453, ISSN 0278-4343,

Roy, S.G., A. Daignault, J. Zydlewski, A. Truhlar, S. Jain, S.M.C. Smith, and D. Hart. 2020. Coordinated river infrastructure decisions enhance social-ecological resilience. Environmental Research Letters.

Johnston, C., G.B. Zydlewski, S. Smith, J. Zydlewski, and M.T. Kinnison. 2019. River reach restored by dam removal offers suitable spawning habitat for endangered shortnose sturgeon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, Vol. 148, Issue 1, pp. 163-175; DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10126

Roy, S.G., E. Uchidab, S.P. de Souzac, B. Blachly, E. Fox, K. Gardner, A.J. Gold, J. Jansujwicz, S. Klein, B. McGreavy, W. Moc, S.M.C. Smith, E. Vogleri, K. Wilson, J. Zydlewskik, and D. Hart. 2018. Damming decisions: a multi-scale approach to balance trade-offs among dam infrastructure, river restoration, and cost. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Nov 2018, Vol. 115, No. 47, pp. 12069-12074; DOI:10.1073/pnas.1807437115

Roy, S., G. Tucker, P. Koons, S.M. Smith, and P. Upton. 2016. A fault runs through it: modeling the influence of rock mass strength and grain-size distribution in a fault-damagedlandscape. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 121, DOI: 10.1002/2015JF003662.

Buscombe, D., P. Grams, and S.M.C. Smith. 2015. Automated riverbed sediment classification using lowcost sidescan sonar. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 142, I. 2. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001079 06015019

Filoso, S., S.M.C. Smith and M.A. Palmer. 2015. Coastal Plain stream corridor restoration efficacy in reducing suspended solids loading to estuarine boundary areas of the Mid-Atlantic region (U.S.A.). Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 49 (15), pp 8986–8994. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b00063

Buscombe, D., P.E. Grams, T.S. Melis, and S.M.C. Smith. 2015. Considerations for unsupervised riverbed sediment characterization using low-cost sidescan sonar: Examples from Colorado River, AZ and the Penobscot River, ME. Proceedings of the Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference. Reno, Nevada. April 19-23, 2015.

Smith, S.M.C. and P.R. Wilcock. 2015. Upland Sediment Supply and its Relation to Watershed Sediment Delivery in the Contemporary Mid-Atlantic Piedmont (U.S.A.), Geomorphology, Vol. 232, pp. 33-46,

Parr, T.B., C.S. Cronin, T. Ohno, S.E.G. Findlay, S.M.C. Smith, and K.S. Simon. 2015. Urbanization changes the composition and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in headwater streams. Limnology and Oceanography, DOI: 10.1002/lno.10060

Peckenham, J., D. Hart, S. Smith, and S. Jain. 2012. The path to water resources solutions. Maine Policy Review Water Resources SSI V7 2/24/12

Smith, S.M.C., P. Belmont, and P.R. Wilcock. 2011. Closing the gap between sediment budgeting, watershed modeling and stream restoration. In: Simon, A., S.J. Bennett, and J.M. Castro (eds.). Stream Restoration in Dynamic Systems: Scientific Approaches, Analyses, and Tools. Water Resources Monograph. American Geophysical Union. Washington, D.C.

Bain, D.J., S.M.C. Smith, and G.N. Nagle. 2008. Reservations about dam findings. Science, Vol. 321. No. 5891, p. 910, DOI: 10.1126/science.321.5891.910a

Craig, L.S., D.C. Richardson, M. Palmer, E. Bernhardt, B. Bledsoe, M. Doyle, B. Hassett, S. Kaushal, S. Smith, and P. Wilcock. 2008. Stream restoration strategies for reducing river nitrogen loads. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. DOI: 10.1890/070080

Smith, S. 2006. Chesapeake Bay. In: Trimble, S. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Water Science. Taylor and Francis Reference Group, LLC. New York.

Smith, S. and K.L. Prestegaard. 2005. Hydraulic performance of a morphology based stream channel design. Water Resources Research, Vol. 41, W11413, DOI: 10.1029/2004WR003926

Hassett, B., M. Palmer, E. Bernhardt, S. Smith, J. Carr, and D. Hart. 2005. Restoring watersheds project by project: trends in Chesapeake Bay tributary restoration. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 259–267.

Gellis, A., S. Smith, and S. Stewart. 2003. Watershed sediment sources, Chapter 2. In: Langland, M. and T. Cronin (eds). A summary report of sediment processes in Chesapeake Bay and watershed. USGS Water Res. Invest. Report 03-4123.

Smith, S., M. Langland, and R. Edwards. 2003. Watershed sediment transport, Chapter 3. In: Langland, M. and T. Cronin (eds). A summary report of sediment processes in Chesapeake Bay and watershed. USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 03-4123.

Smith, S., J. Herman, T. Cronin, G. Schwarz, M. Landland, K. Patison, and L. Linker. 2003. Integrated approaches to sediment studies, Chapter 7. In: Langland, M. and T. Cronin (eds). A summary report of sediment processes in Chesapeake Bay and watershed. USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 03-4123.


Smith, S.M.C. 2019. INVITED – Downeast drainage: framing a scientific basis to solve surface water runoff management problems. Seminar presented at the Department of Watershed Sciences, Utah State University.

Nesbitt, I.M.; S.M.C. Smith, B. Koffman, S. Campbell, and S. Arcone. 2019. A decision-making framework for sedimentation analyses in dammed river corridor impoundments. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Meeting. Portland, Maine.

Newcomb, A. and S.M. Smith. 2019. Humans, dams, and flow regimes in the Penobscot River. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Meeting. Portland, Maine.

Hosseini, S.I., K. Gardner, A. Lightbody, S.M.C. Smith, and A.J. Gold. 2019. Investigation of snowmelt impact on trends in runoff coefficients of floods capable of dam breaks in New England. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Meeting. Portland, Maine.

Richmond, N., S.M.C. Smith, S.G. Roy, and P.O. Koons. 2019. The hydraulic implications of relict industrial (log drive era) infrastructure on large rivers in the Northeast. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Meeting. Portland, Maine.

Roy, S.G., A. Daigneault, A. Truhlar, S. Jain, S.M.C. Smith. 2019. Fishy business: a multi-objective approach to culvert and dam decisions for improved infrastructure, ecosystems, and cost. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Meeting. Portland, Maine.

Lightbody, A., D. Simon, and S.M. Smith. 2019. Impact of New England dams on flood frequencies and nitrogen flux. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Meeting. Portland, Maine.

Skalak, K., J.E. Pizzuto, D.L. Karwan, S. Mahan, A. Benthem, E.W. Boyer, A. Kettner, R.K. LeBivic, A.J. Miller, G.B. Noe, and S.M.C. Smith. 2018. Temporal and spatial scales of sediment transport processes for watershed management. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. Washington, D.C.

Gerard, B. and S.M.C. Smith. 2018. Stream dynamics in headwaters of postglacial watershed systems. Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine.

McGreavy, B., S. Randall, T. Quiring, S. Smith, S. Roy, B. Gerard, and C. Hathaway. 2017. Communicating coastal resilience: Interdisciplinary research partnerships to support shellfish management and protect public health. Conference on Communication and Environment, University of Leicester (UK).

Smith, S.M.C. 2017. INVITEDWhat is the importance of legacy sediment relative to other sediment sources in the Chesapeake Bay watershed? Chesapeake Bay Program, Science and Technical Advisory Committee workshop on legacy sediment. Annapolis, Maryland.

Smith, S.M.C. 2017. INVITEDExamining and communicating coastal pollution problems along the coast of Maine. Northeast Shellfish Sanitation Annual Meeting. Freeport, Maine.

Roy, S., B. Gerard, S. Smith, and B. McGreavy. 2017. A runoff based vulnerability analysis to examine the dynamics of bacteria pollution events in the Gulf of Maine. Maine Sustainability and Water Conference. Augusta, Maine.

Smith, S. 2017. The ups and downs of simulation watershed processes in the Maine terrain. Maine Association of Professional Soil Scientists – Annual Meeting. Orono, Maine.

Smith, S.M.C. 2016. INVITED – Keynote PresentationDowneast drainage: sources, delivery and residence time of runoff and pollutants along the Gulf of Maine coast. Geological Society of Maine, Fall Meeting. November 21, 2016.

Smith, S.M.C. 2016. INVITED – Mentoring through measurement, monitoring and modeling the Penobscot River. Penobscot Watershed Conference:  Sharing our heritage, challenges and future. Lincolville, Maine. April 2016.

Henkel, B., C. Petersen, and S. Smith. 2016. Monitoring coordination in Cromwell Brook and its benefit to the Wild Acadia Initiative. Maine Water and Sustainability Conference, August, Maine.

Roy, S.G., B. Osti, S.M.C. Smith, P.O. Koons. 2016. Topography of glaciated landscapes: exploring the scale dependent influence of glaciers, rivers, and tectonics in coastal Maine. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Meeting. Albany, New York.

Johnson, C., G. Zydlewski, J. Zydlewski, M. Kinnison, and S. Smith. 2016. Shortnose sturgeon spawning potential in the Penobscot River after dam removals. Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum, Orono, Maine.

Roy, S., P. Upton, P. Koons, G. Tucker, and S. Smith. 2015. Fault damage as a primary control on patterns and rates of erosion in alpine rivers: examples from the Southern Alps, New Zealand. FallMeeting, American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, California.

Gerard, B., S.M.C. Smith, A. Sivitskis, A.S. Reeve, and B.M. Van Dam. 2015. Human modifications and watershed hydrologic processes in a postglacial landscape. Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union, GAC, MAC, and CGU. Montreal, Canada.

Johnston, C., G. Zydlewski, J. Zydlewski, M. Kinnison, S. Smith. 2015. What is the spawning potential for shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) in the Penobscot River after dam removal? An acoustic telemetry and habitat suitability study. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon.

Reeve, A.S., S.M.C. Smith, and D.M. Martin. 2015. Towards a computer model to simulate daily water levels in Sebago Lake. Northeast Section Meeting of the Geological Society of America. Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.

Smith, S.M.C. 2015. INVITED – Applied watershed geomorphology at the University of Maine. Project SHARE Quarterly Meeting. Whitneyville, Maine.

Smith, S.M.C., B. Van Dam, K. Beard, and J. Peckenham. 2014. Two scales of investigation by the biophysical team of the NEST Safe Beaches and Shellfish Areas project. Presentation for the American Association for the Advancement of Science project review committee. Freeport, Maine.

Smith, S.M.C. 2014. INVITED – Present day stream conditions. Maryland Stream Information Exchange: Paleo to Present Stream Conditions and Functions. Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Annapolis, Maryland. December 12, 2014.

Gerard, B., S. Smith, B. Van Dam, and A. Reeve. 2014. Preliminary analysis of human impacts on Sebago Lake watershed hydrology. Maine Water Conference. Augusta, Maine.

Reeve, A.S., S. Smith, and D. Martin. 2013. Data collection and model development to estimate Sebago Lake water levels. Geological Society of American, Northeastern Section Annual Meeting. Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.

Filoso, S. and S. Smith. 2013. Physical modifications to Coastal Plain drainage networks and their implications to nutrient and sediment delivery. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Annual Meeting. Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.

Filoso, S., S.M.C. Smith, and M. Palmer. 2012. Nitrogen and sediment flux in engineered coastal streams. Biogeomon – 7th International Conference on Ecosystem Behavior. Lincolnville, Maine.

Smith, S.M.C. 2012. Watershed sediment relations in the contemporary Piedmont. Inaugural Mid-Atlantic Conference: Soil to Sea Geomorphology. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Pennsylvania.

Smith, S. 2010. Stream restoration and riparian reforestation…concepts, conflicts and challenges. Casey Trees. Washington, D.C.

Smith, S. 2010. INVITED – The sediment yield dis-continuum of the contemporary Mid-Atlantic Piedmont. Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series, University of Maryland, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Center for Environmental Studies.

Smith, S.M.C., S. Filoso, and M. Palmer. 2010. Sediment dynamics and flux in rehabilitated Coastal Plain streams at the estuarine boundary. Maryland Water Monitoring Council, Annual Meeting. Linthicum, Maryland.

Smith, S. 2009. Contemporary sediment flux and management considerations in Piedmont headwaters. Ecosystem Based Management: The Chesapeake and Other Systems. Chesapeake Research Consortium. Baltimore, Maryland.

Smith, S. 2009. Mid-Atlantic sediment and stream management considerations. River and Stream Restoration: Geomorphic and Ecological Processes. American Water Resources Association. Clinton, New Jersey.

Smith, S. 2009. Contemporary sediment flux and management considerations in the headwaters of the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Virginia.

Smith, S. 2008. Closing the gaps between sediment budgeting and watershed modeling. Modeling Subcommittee quarterly review. USEPA Chesapeake Bay Program.

Smith, S. 2007. INVITED – Closing the gap between sediment budgeting and stream restoration planning. River Restoration Science: Research and Application in Restoration Design and Environmental Flows II, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 88, No. 52, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H33J-01.

Bain, D.J., S.M. Smith, M.F. Colosimo. 2007. Restoration in urban streams impacted by legacy sediments. River Restoration Science: Research and Application in Restoration Design and Environmental Flows II, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 88, No. 52, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H33J-07.

Trumbauer, C. and S. Smith. 2007. Measuring flow at awkward sites: getting the data you need from locations you wouldn’t choose. Annual Meeting, Maryland Water Monitoring Council. Linthicum, Maryland.

Palmer, M.A., L.S. Craig, and S.M. Smith. 2006. Stream restoration for nitrogen removal: a watershed perspective. Geological Society of America, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Smith, S. and P. Wilcock. 2006. Legacy sediment: culprit or scapegoat? Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Smith, S. and P. Wilcock. 2005. Sediment Flux in first order basins in the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 80, No. 52, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract B51F-01.

Smith, S. 2004. Stream restoration monitoring – time and space considerations. Coastal Stream Habitat Restoration Workshop. Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. Waquoit, Massachusetts.

Smith, S. 2004. INVITED – First order watershed sediment yields in the Patuxent River basin. Patuxent River Commission, February meeting. Annapolis, Maryland.

Smith, S. 2002. Understanding sediment budget sin the context of watershed management strategies. Presentation to the Economic and Environmental Analysis Conference. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Coulton, C., R. Richardson, B. Juza, C. Perala, M. Stern, D. Heagerty, S. Smith. 2000. Lower Williamson River and delta floodplains restoration planning and design. Proc. of the Conference on Riparian Ecology and Management in Multi-Land Use Watersheds. American Water Resources Assoc.

Smith, S., P. Bereciartua, P. Johnson, and J. Haltiner. 1999. Channel design and the forgotten floodplain.  Proceedings of the International Water Resources Engineering Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers. Seattle, Washington. August 1999.

Haltiner, J., B. Phillips, and S. Smith. 1999. Integrating geomorphic and engineering approaches in stream restoration. Proceedings of the Water Resources Engineering Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers. Seattle, Washington. August 1999.

Smith, S. 1998. River geomorphology and the riparian zone. Riparian Habitat Restoration Workshop. Society for Ecological Restoration (California Chapter). Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, Felton, California.

Smith, S., J. McCoy, M. Dobson, K.L. Prestegaard. 1997. The role of stream restoration in the management of sediment loadings in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 78, No. 17, Supplement, p. 76.

Smith, S. and R.L. Huppman. 1996. Monitoring stream channel and habitat restoration projects; and, applying stream classification and analysis in stream restoration projects. Fourth National Non-point Source Watershed Projects Workshop. Sponsored by the USGS, USEPA, USDA, PA Department of Environmental Resources, and the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay.

Houghton, K.K., K.L. Prestegaard, D. Murceak, S. Smith, M. M. Norton, B. Shane, B. Smith. 1995. Misuse of data on meandering streams for the purpose of designing stream restoration projects. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol.76, No.46, Supplement, p. F 254.

Smith, S. and K.L. Prestegaard. 1995. Changes in the hydraulic and morphological characteristics of a relocated stream channel. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol.76, No.46, Supplement, p. F 254. (Also presented at the Geological Society of Washington. Cosmos Club, Washington D.C. February 28, 1996).


Braun, J., B. Van Dam, N. Fisher, and S. Smith. 2021. National Water Model Application in Maine Coastal Water Quality Management. Maine Sustainability and Water Conference.

Van Dam, B. and S. Smith. 2021. Pouring spatial data into shellfishery management decision-making. Maine Sustainability and Water Conference.

Goodwin, K., B. Van Dam, J. Braun, and S. Smith. 2021. Predicting freshwater inflows to Frenchman Bay. Maine Sustainability and Water Conference.

Olsen, C.; A. Lightbody, S.M.C. Smith, and A.J. Gold. 2019. Using reservoir size, watershed characteristics, and sediment transport proxies to estimate impounded sediment volume and dominant grain size at dams in New England. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Meeting. Portland, Maine.

Bajracharya, P., S. Jain, D. Coker, and S.M.C. Smith. 2019. Understanding hydrology, geologic, and climate controls on wetland water storage:  a diagnostic study. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Meeting. Portland, Maine.

Van Dam, B.E., S.M.C. Smith, K. Beard, and S.G. Roy. 2018. Upland Micro-topography and implications to surface water detention in Maine. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. Washington, D.C.

Nesbit, I.M., S.W. Campbell, S.A. Arcone, S.M.C. Smith, B.G. Koffman. 2018. Sedimentary architecture and accumulation rates of multiple lakes in New England, USA. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. Washington, D.C.

Roy, S.G., S.M.C. Smith, B. McGreavy, B. Gerard, B.E. Van Dam, and J.L. Ross. 2018. Resilient coastal communities: using interdisciplinary research and stakeholder engagement to face coastal pollution challenges in northern New England. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. Washington, D.C.

Collins, M.J., A.R. Kelley, P.J. Lombard, and S.M.C. Smith. 2018. Geomorphic response to dam removals on the lower Penobscot River, Maine, USA. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. Washington, D.C.

Van Dam, B., S.M.C. Smith, and K. Beard Tisdale. 2018. Upland micro-topography and implications to surface water detention in Maine. Presented at the Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine, and the Acadia Science Symposium, College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine.

Nesbit, I., S. Campbell, S. Arcone, and S.M.C. Smith. 2018. Sedimentary architecture and accumulation rates of multiple lakes in Maine. Acadia National Park Science Symposium, College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine.

Neptune, S., S. Roy, and S.M.C. Smith. 2018. Flooded corridors and the inundation of a nation. Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine.

Richmond, N., P. Koons, L. Ross, S. Smith, S. Roy, G. Zydlewski, and J. Zydlewski. 2018. Post-dam removal river hydraulics and the influence of derelict industrial logging infrastructure on modern aquatic habitat conditions. Presented at the Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine.

Newcomb, A. and S.M.C. Smith. 2018. Dams and Hydrologic Regime in the Penobscot River: A reappraisal based on historical records and hydrologic modeling. Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine.

Nesbit, I., S. Campbell, S. Arcone, and S.M.C. Smith. 2018. Sedimentary architecture of Maine lakes derived with ground-penetrating radar. Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine.

Roy, S. B. Gerard, S. Smith, and A. Bradford. 2017. Runoff-based vulnerability analysis to examine and communicate bacteria pollution dynamics along the Gulf of Maine. Acadia National Park Science Symposium, College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine.

Gerard, B., S. Smith, C. Petersen, S. Roy, and B. Henkel. 2017. The hydrologic signature of Mount Desert Island. Maine Sustainability and Water Conference. Augusta, Maine.

Newcomb, A., S.M.C. Smith, S. Roy, B. Gerard, and W. Gilbert. 2017. Quantifying Penobscot River surface flows and the dam decisions that affect them. Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine.

Roy, S., B. Gerard, S. Smith, and A. Bradford. 2016. A runoff-based vulnerability analysis to examine and communicate bacteria pollution dynamics along the Gulf of Maine coast. Acadia Science Symposium. Schoodic Institute. Winter Harbor, Maine.

Smith, S., B. Gerard, C. Petersen, A. Bradford, COA Students, and Brian Henkel. 2016. The hydrologic signature of Acadia National Park. Acadia Science Symposium. Schoodic Institute. Winter Harbor, Maine. Also presented in 2017 at the Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine.

Roy, S., B. Gerard, S. Smith, and A. Bradford. 2016. A runoff-based vulnerability analysis to examine and communicate bacteria pollution dynamics along the Gulf of Maine coast. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Denver, Colorado.

Gerard, B., S.M.C. Smith, A.S. Reeve, A. Sivitskis, L. White, D. Lemery, and S. Kane. 2016. Connecting watersheds and drainage networks in Central and Coastal Maine. Maine Water and Sustainability Conference, Augusta, Maine.

Smith. S., A. Bradford, D. Brady, K. Cole, J. Disney, B. Gerard, S. Jones, S. Kane, D. Lemery, B. McGreavy, J. Peckenham, C. Petersen, D. Rothenheber, and S.Roy. 2016. Sources, delivery and residence time of bacteria pollution along the Gulf of Maine coast. Maine Water and Sustainability Conference, Augusta, Maine.

Smith, S.M.C., B. McGreavy, S. Roy, K. Cole, D. Rothenheber, S. Jones, D. Brady, and C. Petersen. 2015. Downeast drainage: examining and communicating the dynamics of bacteria pollution events in the Gulf of Maine. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California.

Gerard, B., S. Smith, A. Reeve, and S. Roy. 2015. Parameter lumping implications to hydrological simulations in a post-glacial landscape. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, California.

Smith, S., B. McGreavy, S. Roy, K. Cole, D. Rothenheber, S. Jones, D. Brady, and C. Petersen. 2015. Downeast drainage: examining and communicating the dynamics of bacteria pollution events in the Gulf of Maine. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, California.

Gerard, B.R., S.M.C. Smith, B. Van Dam Jr., A.S. Reeve. 2015. Stream dynamics in a coupled humanclimate- postglacial watershed. Northeast Section Meeting of the Geological Society of America. Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Also presented at the Maine Water Conference, Augusta, Maine.

Van Dam Jr., B., S.M.C. Smith, and A.S. Reeve. 2015. Improving upland drainage representation using LiDAR. Northeast Section Meeting of the Geological Society of America. Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Also presented at the Maine Water Conference, Augusta, Maine.

Johnston, C., G. Zydlewski, and S.M.C. Smith. 2015. Connecting river morphology to fish habitat in the context of dam removal: The Penobscot River restoration project. Northeast Section Meeting of the Geological Society of America. Bretton Woods, New Hampshire

Smith, S., B. Gerard, B. Van Dam, and A. Reeve. 2014. The hydrologic implications of human interventions in a post-glacial landscape. Maine Water Conference, Augusta, Maine.

Van Dam, B.M., Jr., S.M.Smith, K. Beard, and J.M. Peckenham. 2014. Downeast drainage: characterization of upland drainage attributes for parameterization of Gulf of Maine watersheds. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California. (Awarded – Hon. Mention Student Poster).

Van Dam, B., S.Smith, A. Reeve, and B. Gerard. 2014. Hydrologic implications of upland microtopography in post-glaciated Maine. Maine Water Conference. Augusta, Maine.

Reeve, A.S., S. Smith, and D. Martin. 2014. Coupling streamflow, simulated with lumped parameter models, to a lake water balance model (Sebago Lake). Maine Water Conference. Augusta, Maine.

Smith, S.M., B. Gerard, B. Van Dam, A.S. Reeve. 2013. The handprint of hydrologic interventions in glaciated terrain. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, California.

Reeve, A.S., D. Martin, and S.M. Smith. 2013. Measurement of hydrologic streamflow metrics and estimation of streamflow with lumped parameter models in a managed lake system, Sebago Lake, Maine. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, California.

Martin, D., A.S. Reeve, S. Smith. 2012. Sebago Lake stream monitoring. Maine Water Conference. Augusta, Maine.

Beyene, M. D. Brady, S. Jain, J. MacRae, D. Martin, F. Pavri, J. Peckenham, A.S. Reeve, S.M.C. Smith, C. Straub. 2012. Safeguarding a vulnerable lake-watershed system: the Sebago Lake watershed. Maine EPSCoR Conference. Orono, Maine.

Martin, D., A.S. Reeve, S. Smith. 2012. Sebago Lake stream monitoring. Maine Water Conference. Augusta, Maine.

Herrmann, M., D. Blanchard, S. Smith, and H. Stewart. 2002. Stream restoration tracking and assessment: tracking our progress towards cleaner streams. Maryland Water Monitoring Council, Annual Meeting. Linthicum, Maryland.

Primrose, N., B. Habic, S. Smith, and J. McCoy. 2002. Monitoring stream habitat rehabilitation using a stream mapping technique. Annual Meeting of the Maryland Water Monitoring Council, Linthicum, Maryland.

Smith, S., P. Bereciartua, and J. Haltiner. 1998. River channel design and the role of the floodplain. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (Fall Meeting).


Miller, A., M. Baker, K. Boomer, D. Merritts, K. Prestegaard, and S. Smith. 2019. Legacy Sediment, Riparian Corridors, and Total Maximum Daily Loads. STAC Publication Number 19-001, Edgewater, MD. 64 pp.

Gerard, B. and S.M.C. Smith. 2016. Connecting land cover and climate to Sebago Lake drainage network processes. Final report to the Maine Water Resources Research Institute, Grant # G11AP20083, Project # 5406025.

Smith, S. and S. VanRyswick. 2007. Delta evaluations in Triadelphia and Rocky Gorge Reservoirs – Phase III of the Upper Patuxent River Reservoir sedimentation study. Prepared by the Ecosystem Restoration Center, Maryland Department of Natural Resources for the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission.

Smith, S. 2006. Stream restoration benefit assessment framework metric refinements. Ecosystem Restoration Center, Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

Smith, S. and M. Herrmann. 2005. Stream mapping in Maryland…finding and mapping first order channels. Landscape and Watershed Analysis Division, Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

Smith, S. 2003. Stream restoration benefit assessment framework. Landscape and Watershed, Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Prepared for the Coastal and Non-point Pollution Control Program, NOAA.

Smith, S. and M. Herrmann. 2000. Chesapeake Forest Properties riparian forest buffer criteria for water quality management. In: Sampson Group, Inc. Sustainable forest management plan. Prepared for the Chesapeake Forests Project on behalf of The Conservation Fund.

Andrews, B., E. McClure, B. DeTemple, S. Smith, and J. Blomberg. 1999. San Francisquito Creek bank stabilization master plan – existing conditions report, hydrologic and geomorphic conditions. Philip Williams and Associates, Ltd. Prepared for the City of Menlo Park, California.

Smith, S. and J. Haltiner. 1998. Freeborn Creek stream restoration design review. Philip Williams and Associates, Ltd. Prepared for the Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District, Fairfield, California.

Smith, S. 1997. The use of geologic maps for protecting and restoring waterways and wetlands. In:  Horton, J.W. and E. Cleaves (eds). Proceedings of the forum on geologic mapping applications in the Washington-Baltimore urban area. USGS Circular 1148. Reston, Virginia.

Smith, S. 1997. The German Branch aquatic habitat enhancement project: project planning, design, and  hydraulic assessment. Watershed Restoration Division, MD Department of Natural Resources. Annapolis, Maryland.

Smith, S. (ed). 1993. Assessment of the environmental impacts of the Hart and Miller Islands dredged materials containment facility in the Upper Chesapeake Bay: 10th annual interpretive and data reports. Power Plant an Environmental Review Division, Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Prepared for the Maryland Port Authority. Baltimore, Maryland.

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