
Last update: Jan 2020.

Editorial Board Member:

Guest Editor for Journals:


  • S. Nittel, A. Labrinidis, and A. Stefanidis,
    Advances in Geosensor Networks,
    Springer, LNCS 4540, 2008.
  • S. Nittel and R. de By (Editors),
    Proceedings of International ACM Symposium on “Geographic Information Systems” (ACM-GIS’06),
    Sheridan Publishers, Netherlands.
  • A. Stefanidis, and S. Nittel,
    Geosensor Networks,
    CRC Press, August 2004.
  • S. Nittel and D. Gunopulous (Editors),
    Proceedings of International Conference Scientific and Statistical Database Management” (SSDBM),
    Boston, MA, IEEE Publishers, 2003

Invited book chapters:

Journal publications:

Articles in fully refereed conferences:

Short Articles in fully refereed conferences.

Oral Presentations:

  • Klein, S.J.W., Nittel, S., Stinson, K., Noblet, C.L., Isenhour, C., Coffey, S., Communities taking solar into their own hands: a social science look at the growing community solar movement, American Solar Energy Society’s 46th National Solar Conference, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado, October 9-12, 2017.