
Hunter, E.J., H.L. Fuchs, J.L. Wilkin, G.P. Gerbi, R.J. Chant, J.C. Garwood, 2022.
ROMSPath v1.0: Offline Particle Tracking for the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS).
Geoscientific Model Development. v. 15, 4297-4311. (doi) (pdf).

Garwood, J.C., H.L. Fuchs, G.P. Gerbi, E.J. Hunter, R.J. Chant, J.L. Wilkin, 2022.
Estuarine retention of larvae: contrasting effects of larval behavioral responses to turbulence and waves.
Limnology and Oceanography. v. 67, 992-1005. (doi) (pdf)

Fuchs, H.L., R.J. Chant, E.L. Hunter, E.N. Curchitser, G.P. Gerbi, E.Y. Chen, 2020.
Wrong-way migrations of benthic species driven by ocean warming and larval transport.
Nature Climate Change. (doi) (pdf)

Fuchs, H.L., G.P. Gerbi, E.L. Hunter, A.J. Christman, 2018.
Waves cue distinct behaviors and differentiate transport of congeneric snail larvae from sheltered versus wavy habitats.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v. 115, no 32, E7532-E7540. (doi) (pdf)

Rosman, J.H. and G.P. Gerbi, 2017.
Interpreting fixed-location observations of turbulence advected by waves: Insights from spectral models.
Journal of Physical Oceanography, v. 47, 909-931. (doi) (pdf)

Gerbi, G.P., E. Boss, J. Werdell, C. Proctor, N. Haƫntjens, M. Lewis, K. Brown, D. Sorrentino, R. Zaneveld, A. Barnard, J. Koegler, H. Fargher, M. DeDonato, and W. Wallace, 2016.
Autonomous floats as platforms for validation and vicarious calibration of ocean color satellites.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. v. 33, 2331-2352. (pdf)

Fuchs, H.L. and G.P. Gerbi, 2016.
Seascape-level variation in turbulence- and wave-generated signals experienced by plankton.
Progress in Oceanography, v. 141, 109-129. (pdf)

Fuchs, H.L., A.J. Christman, G.P. Gerbi, E.J. Hunter, and F.J. Diez, 2015.
Directional flow sensing by passively stable larvae.
Journal of Experimental Biology, v. 218, 2782-2792. (pdf)

Gerbi, G.P., S.E. Kastner, and G. Brett, 2015.
The role of whitecapping in thickening the ocean surface boundary layer.
Journal of Physical Oceanography, v. 45, no. 8, 2006-2024. (pdf)

Fuchs, H.L., G.P. Gerbi, E.J. Hunter, A.J.Christman, and F.J. Diez, 2015.
Hydrodynamic sensing and behavior by oyster larvae in turbulence and waves.
Journal of Experimental Biology, v. 218, 1419-1432. (pdf)

Li, S., M. Li, G.P. Gerbi, and J. Song, 2013.
Roles of breaking waves and Langmuir circulation in the surface boundary layer of a coastal ocean.
Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 118, 5173-5187, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20387. (pdf)

Gerbi, G.P., R.J. Chant, and J.L. Wilkin, 2013.
Breaking surface wave effects on river plume dynamics during upwelling favorable winds.
Journal of Physical Oceanography, v. 43, no. 9, 1959-1980. (pdf)

Estapa, M.L., K. Buesseler, E. Boss, and Gerbi, G.P., 2013.
Autonomous, high-resolution observations of particle flux in the oligotrophic ocean.
Biogeosciences, v. 10, 5517-5531. (pdf)

Kirincich, A.R., S.J. Lentz, and G.P. Gerbi, 2010.
Calculating Reynolds stresses from ADCP measurements in the presence of surface gravity waves using the cospectra fit method. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, v. 27, no 5, 889-907. (pdf)

Gerbi, G.P., J.H. Trowbridge, E.A. Terray, A.J. Plueddemann, and T. Kukulka, 2009.
Observations of turbulence in the ocean surface boundary layer: energetics and transport.
Journal of Physical Oceanography, v. 39, no 5, 1075-1096. (pdf)

Gerbi, G.P., J.H. Trowbridge, J.B. Edson, A.J. Plueddemann, E.A. Terray, and J.J. Fredericks, 2008.
Direct covariance measurements of momentum and heat transfer across the air-sea interface.
Journal of Physical Oceanography, v. 38, no. 5, 1053-1072. (pdf)

Gerbi, G.P., 2008.
Observations of turbulent fluxes and turbulence dynamics in the ocean surface boundary layer.
Ph. D. thesis submitted to Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. (pdf)

Edson, J., T. Crawford, J. Crescenti, T. Farrar, N. Frew, G. Gerbi, C. Helmis, T. Hristov, D. Khelif, A. Jessup, H. Jonsson, M. Li, L. Mahrt, W. McGillis, A. Plueddemann, L. Shen, E. Skyllingstad, T. Stanton, P. Sullivan, J. Sun, J. Trowbridge, D. Vickers, S. Wang, Q. Wang, R. Weller, J. Wilkin, A.J. Williams III, D. K. P. Yue, and C. Zappa, 2007.
The Coupled Boundary Layers and Air-Sea Transfer Experiment in low winds.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, v. 88, no. 3, 341-356. (pdf)

Beutner, E.C. and G.P. Gerbi, 2005.
Catastrophic emplacement of the Heart Mountain block slide, Wyoming and Montana, USA.
Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 117, 724-735. (abstract–pdf)