
My research centres around using GL(2) spectral theory in order to study automorphic forms coming from or being somehow related to GL(2) objects. This includes studying GL(2) Maass forms and their L-functions themselves, but also higher rank objects like GL(3)×GL(2) L-functions in the GL(2) spectral aspect. This tends to involve moments of the corresponding L-functions, often with twists in order to make for interesting applications.


  1. The twisted second moment of L-functions associated to Hecke–Maass forms (with Sheng-Chi Liu), International Journal of Number Theory, 20:3 (2024), 849–866. (journal, preprint)
  2. Twisted moments of GL(3)×GL(2) L-functions, International Journal of Number Theory, 18:6 (2022), 1301–1334. (journal, arXiv)

Miscellaneous (read: not number theory)

  1. Agent-Based Modeling to Simulate Aerosolized Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Inside Small Ventilated Spaces (with Matthew Gaddis and Valipuram Manoranjan), COVID, 3:7 (2023), 937–955. (journal)